Wednesday, May 31, 2006

editing...such a tidious work.

after so many sleepless nights
I finally got all of the videos ready.
There are 6 pre-recorded videos, edited based on the 10 humanity subjects that I was thinking:

*emotions*--1) happy 2) sad

*communication*--3)talking 4) kissing/hugging 5) wedding

*entertainment*--6) music 7) dance

*community* 8) parents & child: family

*choice of the existance of human* 9) war 10) religion

-----------------------as far as the patch goes,
* I can play 8 of pre-recorded movies including 1 real-time hand movie all together on the same screen through MAX/MSP.

** Trigger part should be figured out no later than 6/2.
I have three options for this:
1) I can barrow teleo set someone to use the photocell sensor

2) I can buy the switch from Radioshock so it recognizes the sound difference when the participant put his/her hand on it (I have the basic patch for this)

3) create a patch that recognizes the difference in the screen

*** I have the basic patch for the question that I need to organize and set it up as my plan.

My questions will be:

1) People are different
-Yes or

+++Some people's children are starving to death,
Some people are uploading the videos of their children trying to capture every minute of children's childhoods.

Some people bless new married couple while some other people cry miserably because of their broken relationships.

Some people are playing music, some people are making chemical weapons.

And yet, we are living. Thus, we live.+++

2) Which one do you want to explore?

-emotion 1

-emotion 2



-community or

-choice of the existance of human


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