Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Installation Art-




Wednesday, May 31, 2006

editing...such a tidious work.

after so many sleepless nights
I finally got all of the videos ready.
There are 6 pre-recorded videos, edited based on the 10 humanity subjects that I was thinking:

*emotions*--1) happy 2) sad

*communication*--3)talking 4) kissing/hugging 5) wedding

*entertainment*--6) music 7) dance

*community* 8) parents & child: family

*choice of the existance of human* 9) war 10) religion

-----------------------as far as the patch goes,
* I can play 8 of pre-recorded movies including 1 real-time hand movie all together on the same screen through MAX/MSP.

** Trigger part should be figured out no later than 6/2.
I have three options for this:
1) I can barrow teleo set someone to use the photocell sensor

2) I can buy the switch from Radioshock so it recognizes the sound difference when the participant put his/her hand on it (I have the basic patch for this)

3) create a patch that recognizes the difference in the screen

*** I have the basic patch for the question that I need to organize and set it up as my plan.

My questions will be:

1) People are different
-Yes or

+++Some people's children are starving to death,
Some people are uploading the videos of their children trying to capture every minute of children's childhoods.

Some people bless new married couple while some other people cry miserably because of their broken relationships.

Some people are playing music, some people are making chemical weapons.

And yet, we are living. Thus, we live.+++

2) Which one do you want to explore?

-emotion 1

-emotion 2



-community or

-choice of the existance of human

first basic plan

-------------basic equipment list and installation plan

1) labtop
2) i-sight/web cam
3) one projector
4) projector screen
5) long connector that connects i-sight/web cam to the labtop


I want to use the room, which we have the class every week.
the size of the room should be fine with my project.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006



::1 (-1)::

I made the shorten version of the video. (demo or trailer-5.9.2006)


ok.. so movie file is just huge.
I might have to cut the length of the video.

I made the first video clip that the participant will see when they put their hands on under the iSight. (5.16.2006)

[Project Proposal]


In this experiment, a participant's willingness to pay attention to his/her own life style let a participant to open up his/her story of life. After the participant explores his/her individualized life story, this experiment invites a participant to the ways and histories of life that are different from the participant's own. The experiment gradually leads participant to the global panorama of humanity that connects every human being.

A participant walks into the room and answers the questions concerning his/her lifestyle. A participant is also to put his/her hand on the special plate that detects the heat that comes off from the hand. A camera is installed on top of the plate and the video recording of participant's hand, video clips of cell division, and the heat distribution of his/her hand are projected on the wall to give participant the sense of physical reality, mysterious panorama that is happening at that moment. While participant kept his/her hand on the plate, willing to explore more, the video clips are being played that paint a participant's lifestyle. As the time precedes these clips depict the lifestyles that are far from participant's own and s/he experiences the various cultural, religious, ethnical, and situational human activities that can be happening right at the moment of the experiment.

This experiment carries the questions on humanity and what is meant to be "living" our lives. How people have different lifestyles and customs that are differentiated by various ethnicity, environment, situation, and history; but at the same time mechanism of the physical, emotional, and mental states are the same for every human—such as our desire to be happy and loved and our struggles to survive life.
There is the source, the "core" that connects us as human. There are different stories of life that are as real as any individual story whether each of us realizes them or not—there is natural panorama that's happening at every moment.
No matter what one's background is, what period of time in history one is in, and what choice one makes, one is going through the same thing as everybody else on this globe, which represented by cell divisions and heat distribution of the body in this experiment.
There are basics that human needs, desires, and experiences.
While the participants experience so many different lives and stories, they can question the human lives; have their own opinion, exploration, thoughts, and feelings.
This project is to experience the portrait of humanity—to experience the beauty of variation of human lives and the core that all the human beings share in the name of life.

Timeline –

Phase one_
Overall planning
Collects video clips
Make questions

Work on programming

Phase two_

Work on programming
Put together the video clips (working on the phase and orders of display of clips)

Work on the plate (how it really happen)
Phase three_
Work on the plate

Final putting together
Budget- (approximation)
6 projectors - $1000 * 6 = $ 6000

Labtop - $ 1500

Plate - $ 30